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Blenheim Pup Blank Greetings Card


This beautiful image has been donated by Gerri Carter (details below)

Capturing the beauty and spirit of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A5 - (210x148)  300gms Card

Gerri Pryor Carter has been a dog lover her whole life, a cavalier lover for the past ten years. In August 2005, her beloved first cavalier, Sienna, was diagnosed with SM as part of the ACKCSC funded study at North Carolina State University. Since that time, she has had three more cavaliers also diagnosed with SM through the Long Island Veterinary Specialists study. Gerri has always had a keen interest in photography and art, particularly when the subject was canine. Therefore it was a natural progression and outlet for her to try to channel her energies into art and particularly into dog art. It is her hope that her cavalier artwork might help raise funds for the battle against SM.

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Product Code: BlenPupGCCard